While traveling through this life--
(my journey) I am constantly in search of wisdom,
hoping to find answers to all the many questions that run rampant
through this head and heart of mine.
I remember as a child, I was so very sure
that once I reached adulthood, all would be clear
that I would understand, comprehend and finally see
what the true meaning is
for My Life.
And, as a beautiful, loving soul I know often remarks,
"Things are just as Clear as Mud."
But one thing I do know,
and the one bit of wisdom I will forever hold fast--
is that our journey is meant to teach.
So, onward I go--
seeking wisdom as I forge ahead
and hoping, hoping to learn
tidbits that will guide and nurture and help me
to find my way.
And my hope while on this journey of mine
is to share, to love, to give
all that I learn, all that I know, all that I feel
with the many others
who are here
on this journey
seeking wisdom--
this wisdom that I am finding to be
an endless journey of soul.
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