A Glimpse of Hope

A Glimpse of Hope

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dreams...(I am A Dreamer)

I am a dreamer.
I often find myself drifting 
into dreamland
even when I am awake
and should be cognizant 
of the tasks at hand--
but I can't help
that my mind wanders
and I allow
my fantasies and hopes and wishes
to prevail and overtake
my present state of mind
at times...

Why, I wonder...
can not the people 
I love so deeply
and so true
be here with me
to join in on these dreams of mine?
I see so many paths
I want to explore, to experience--

Perhaps one day?
I know not
what the future holds--
all I know 
is that 
there is so very, very much
love (yes, true, unbridled love)
that lives inside of me
I know too--
that someday, somehow 
this love I hold
will need to be set free--
is not meant 
to stay confined within
My hope, my wish, my dream
is to share, to give, to receive--
to BE.
(That's just me.)

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