A Glimpse of Hope

A Glimpse of Hope

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Relentless Sun

Even though my part of the country is desperate for rain--
I cannot help but love the sun as it retreats from the western sky--
even though I know the sun is relentless 
with its scorching heat--
its thirst for the water in my beloved lake--
forgive me--
I cannot stop my love,
my awe,
my need
to see, feel and experience 
the Sun.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

5 Simple Rules (for happiness)

How hard is that? 

1.  Free your heart from hatred...okay...so here we are, human kind who are all in this world TOGETHER.  Why on earth would we hold hate in our hearts for anyone?  What good does it do?  What purpose can it possibly serve?  NONE.  Hatred serves nothing for anyone.  It's a complete WASTE.

2.  Free your mind from worries.  Worry.  Again--what good does it do?  How does worry ever, ever make your life any better????  Does worry solve anything?  NO.  All it does is create angst and axiety and fear.  Fuck worry.  It has no place in our lives.  Throw it to the wind and be DONE with it.  Worry no more.  Got it?

3.  Live Simply.  How hard is that?  You wake up, you deal with your day--you do your best and put out whatever effort you MUST to be a living, breathing part of society.  You smile, you work, you play and you live.  How hard is that?

4.  Give More.  That's right--you heard me.  Give MORE.  You know you can.  Give more time to those you love.  Give more love to those you love.  Give more smiles to those you meet, give more hugs to those who need them most.  Just fucking GIVE MORE.  Again, how hard is that?

5.  Expect Less.  Okay--this one is bullshit.  Don't expect LESS.  EXPECT MORE.  Expect to be rewarded for all the smiles, all the love, all the hugs.  How can you not expect something in return for being so awesomely wonderful to your fellow man?  Life is a gift.  Get out there and live it and EXPECT GREAT AND WONDERFUL THINGS TO COME YOUR WAY.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Am On My Way...Right?

I suppose it's okay to be a world traveler and not really have a destination. 
In fact, wouldn't it be grand to travel about 
just for the pure enjoyment
and adventure?
I mean--why do we always have to KNOW exactly where
we're going anyway?

I dream of going to faraway lands
of seeing landscapes 
I've never before seen--
of getting acquainted with folks 
I've yet to meet 
other than in my dreams.

And one day my dream will come true
and perhaps when it does
it will include you
but no matter what,
no matter where I go--
I'm going to look for and find people
who want to explore,
get to know
this wonderful world
that we all reside in.
So very much to learn,
so much to see!
Where on earth shall I begin???

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And Jesus Wept

It is not often that I turn to him and wonder and ask the many questions that dwell within my mind, my heart, my very soul.  You see, there is so very much I want to know.  Why are people all across the world so cruel and mean?  Why does humanity do such inhumane things to their fellow man?  Why do we humans waste so much and ruin the land?  Why cannot we all just share and get along and love as you, dear Jesus, tried so hard to teach us to do?  I do know that you were here at one time, that you tried so hard to share what you knew, to get others to listen, to follow you and even now, so many are trying hard to understand, to live and do what they believe so surely is "what Jesus would do"--yet too there are scores and scores more that have no clue, have no inkling of how to live as if they were trying to emulate you.  I just don't understand, you see.  I will forever seek out the answers until enlightenment encompasses me--I cannot abandon my quest to understand, for within me is a soul who must somehow grasp the meaning, the purpose and fulfillment of knowing.  So onward I go, forever seeking, forever asking, forever hoping to learn, to find my way and then to be able to share what I have learned, to give to others the vast knowledge that will enlighten and help us each to understand.  I will continue this quest and hope some how, some way that I can dry your tears, dear Jesus, and make you proud of me, my fellow human kind, you see.  We are all just children, searching, yearning hoping to learn--yet so many of us here are cruel and hard and have no concern for others -- we are so very wrapped up within our own world of self and cannot see or understand that we ALL are ONE.  Each of us connects to the other--each of us plays a part in all life that unfolds.  This I know.  My heart bleeds with your tears, dear Jesus, for I know that this world is so far from what you had hoped it to be, but then too, I know that where there is life, there is always hope.  So as long as I live, I will continue to search, to find a way to bring to me an understanding of all that is--and whenever I am full of this enlightenment, this knowledge of love and life, I will share and I will rejoice and find others who are just as joyful in the understanding and who will at long last be able to find a way to take your heartfelt tears for mankind and turn them into smiles of joy from your heart.  One day we will all be ONE in knowledge, in Love and in LIFE
This I know.
And you, dear Jesus, will weep no more.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Backwards Puberty Sucks!

I keep wondering--just how does it all work? How is it that a woman who is so unbelievably insatiable and relentless in her NEED (her LUST) for so long can suddenly become so damned upside down? I mean--where are my missing hormones that used to dwell within and make me ache ALL the time? Now, I'm on a roller coaster ride of being insatiably horny and in huge need one minute--to not knowing if I am horny or not for days, sometimes weeks at a time...

These hormonal imbalances, the hot flashes, the mood swings all seem to interfere with who I used to know as ME. I think I'm still me, but sometimes I just get so frightened from within, wondering if somehow I will lose me in the process of going through this supposedly natural metamorphosis (the change)?

It's no wonder our mothers and elderly female relatives did not tell us about this--I'm sure they thought that it would be too cruel to warn we younger women in the family too soon of what was to come...it's BACKWARDS PUBERTY. Raging hormones one minute, self doubt, insecurity, craziness, moodiness the next. I guess I can't blame my mother, my aunts for not filling me in with too much depth of detail. I guess we all just have to endure and get through things in our own way.

But no matter what, this damn Backwards Puberty Sucks!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Missing You

Have I mentioned lately
how very much I miss you?
Well, just in case I haven't--
please know that I do.
I miss your smile,
your touch,
your loving looks
and oh my god,
how I miss your voice--
remember when you used to sing
(to me?)
your songs always made me feel
so alive--so free--
your eyes would gaze
straight into mine
and oh how you'd make me feel
so completely divine
so loved, so cherished,
so real, so true--
damn, damn, damn--
I truly do
miss you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Setting Sun

There is something about
the setting sun.
Day is done
night coming on
and having to bid farewell
to a loving friend--
the sun I hold so dear.
Light has always been
my comfort
for darnkness comes
and suddenly
all the fears
the sad times I've known
come back into my world
and linger there
until the morning comes
and the brilliant sun
chases away those fears
those sad, unhappy memories
that invade at night.
I know we need the dark
the sun has other places
it has to be--
but oh sometimes I wish so much
the sun would always
just stay and comfort me.


Monday, August 8, 2011

I Miss You (Each and Everyone of You)

I miss you.
Each and every one of you.
I miss the good friends
I've made along the way
that have somehow fallen
by the wayside.
I still think of you.
Each and every one of you.
I know, I know...
Life does move fast,
so much going on
it really is hard
to make a friendship last--
to keep in touch
with those who have moved
so far away--
but you see, I miss you.
Each and every one of you.
Each of you
has a piece of my heart, you know.
I mean a bonifide CHUNK--
do you take it everywhere you go?
Yeah, I know--
I could call or write
(well, actually, I have)
and so many of you have yet to respond
that I'm just wondering--
are you just wanting me
to forget and move on?
Well, moving on is doable--
but forgetting?
That I will never do
because you see--
I've learned something
so very special, so rare
from each and every one of you--
You each have given me
such beautiful gifts
of your time, your insights
and yes, your love
and I cherish those gifts
more than I cherish
all the stars shining above--
for with each piece of time,
each gift of love and experience
we shared way back then--
I get to remember and learn
and live the good times
again and again--
but most of all
(and this is the best part there is, you see)
I get to carry
each gift from you
each and every one of you)
wherever I go  -- I'm carrying these gifts with me.
I miss you.
(Each and every one of you).
I just do.
#Misty Rae Dawn